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PastisD Sexe : Masculin

Inscrit le : 24 Sep 2006
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MessagePosté le : 24 Sep 2006 18:35
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Par hasard guignol t'aurais pas le mod Xtrem-style ? si oui, recompile tous les caches ^^

j'avais eu le même problème avec le mod album photos :p
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Dernière édition par PastisD le 24 Sep 2006 18:35; édité 1 fois
Selene Bathory Sexe : Féminin

Inscrit le : 17 Aoû 2006
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MessagePosté le : 06 Oct 2006 17:08
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Le mod fonctionne bien mais j'ai une remarque à faire.
Quand on utilise le lien “voir les nouveaux messages”, la liste qui montre les sujets n'affiche pas les tags.
Pour ceux qui utilise gf-portal ou autre portails et donc utilise ce lien principalement (ou alors celui qu'il y a en haut de l'index) ce n'est pas très pratique.
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Darathor Sexe : Masculin
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Inscrit le : 02 Nov 2003
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Localisation : Strasbourg
MessagePosté le : 06 Oct 2006 18:50
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Hum, c'est étonnant parce que sur EDF ça le fait (je viens de vérifier), donc ce n'est pas un endroit que j'ai oublié (ce qui aurait été parfaitement possible).

Donc y a des chances que ça vienne de modifs liées à l'un de tes mods (genre le portail)... Ou alors tu aurais fait une erreur dans les modifs sur search.php...

Si ce n'est pas une erreur d'application du MOD, je peux te donner quelques indications pour que tu puisses l'ajouter toi-même ;) (enfin ça dépend de ton niveau en php en gros :p).
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Selene Bathory Sexe : Féminin

Inscrit le : 17 Aoû 2006
Messages : 15
MessagePosté le : 06 Oct 2006 21:32
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Hum je suis pas sûre qu'avec juste des indications j'y arrive ! Je connais rien en php, j'arrive juste à bidouiller par comparaison et esprit logique quand c'est possible mais pas plus.
Pour le mod recherche je ne sais pas comment fonctionne le mod nouveaux messages du portail, p-e est-il différent de celui de l'index qui utilise search.php je vais refaire des tests pour voir.

En tout cas le reste fonctionne.
Une autre remarque pour désigner le forum auquel est lié le tag, l'idéal serait de pouvoir en choisir plusieurs. En effet un tag peut être utile à plusieurs forums et là on doit refaire un tag pour chaque forum. Mais c'est un truc pas très important, juste que ça peut-être utile si tu rebidouille le mod. ;)
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Dernière édition par Selene Bathory le 06 Oct 2006 21:32; édité 1 fois
Darathor Sexe : Masculin
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Inscrit le : 02 Nov 2003
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MessagePosté le : 06 Oct 2006 22:20
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Ouaip j'y avais pensé aussi mais le problème c'est que c'est un peu complexe à faire proprement (si on veut pas que ça consomme trop)... Maintenant si un jour j'inclus un cache je pense que je pourrai ajouter ça aussi puisque la chose sera générée une fois pour toute, donc plus de gros traitements à l'affichage :pense:

Je verrai ça quand j'aurai finalisé les gros mods que je suis en train de finir (et qui entre autre permettent la gestion de caches :p).
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Selene Bathory Sexe : Féminin

Inscrit le : 17 Aoû 2006
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MessagePosté le : 13 Nov 2007 14:02
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Je viens de corriger les quelques petites lignes que j'avais oublié et j'ai bien récupérer les tags dans la fenêtre search.php.
Par contre je n'avais pas non plus le petit panneau en bas des topics, chose que je viens de corriger mais il n'est visible que pour le créateur du topic et pas l'admin. Est-ce normal ou est ce que j'ai oublié quelques chose ?
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Darathor Sexe : Masculin
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Inscrit le : 02 Nov 2003
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Localisation : Strasbourg
MessagePosté le : 13 Nov 2007 20:47
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Heu, en principe c'est visible par le créateur, par les admins et suivant les droits spécifiés dans les permissions des forums, éventuellement à d'autres...
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Selene Bathory Sexe : Féminin

Inscrit le : 17 Aoû 2006
Messages : 15
MessagePosté le : 13 Nov 2007 20:49
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Ok donc je m'a trompé quelque part. Reste à savoir où. Le créateur du topic le voit bien mais pas l'admin ou les modos.
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Darathor Sexe : Masculin
Site Admin

Inscrit le : 02 Nov 2003
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Localisation : Strasbourg
MessagePosté le : 13 Nov 2007 21:17
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Oh, il est possible que sur les forums existants avant installation du mod il faille placer la permission sur l'ajout de tags en "Modérateur" (en principe simplement ré-enregistrer les permissions pour chaque forum devrait suffir). C'est par défaut sur les nouveaux forums ajoutés après mais je sais plus ce qui est passe pour les anciens... Ça fait longtemps que je ne l'ai plus installé celui là...
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Dernière édition par Darathor le 13 Nov 2007 21:19; édité 1 fois
Selene Bathory Sexe : Féminin

Inscrit le : 17 Aoû 2006
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MessagePosté le : 17 Nov 2007 13:43
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Non les autorisations sont bonnes, j'ai même fait un essai de passer sur modo puis sur membre et rien. Je pense que j'ai un code mal placé dans un fichier mais je ne sais pas lequel. Je vais regarder ça.

edit : corrigé j'avais oublié des parties de code dans includes/auths.php
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Dernière édition par Selene Bathory le 17 Nov 2007 14:08; édité 1 fois
Darathor Sexe : Masculin
Site Admin

Inscrit le : 02 Nov 2003
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Localisation : Strasbourg
MessagePosté le : 17 Nov 2007 15:44
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Ah ben oui, dans ce cas ça gère mal les permissions, forcément :p
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Inscrit le : 11 Juin 2014
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MessagePosté le : 03 Juil 2014 07:00
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ports, and voting was halted at more than 150 polling stations. If US soldiers leave, other NATO nations are likely to follow suit, putting in jeopardy the $8 billion Afghanistan receives in foreign aid every year. Concern about prospects had been growing anyway but the impasse over the security pact exacerbated both the concord 11s restock fears and the volatility of the currency, prompting many Afghans to snap up US dollars.
Webster wants to start interviewing candidates as soon as possible to replace Mike Munchak, who was fired Saturday after three years as head coach and 31 seasons with the franchise overall. This time he took a largely non-confrontational approach, despite at one point criticizing Western sanctions against Iran. As expected, he used the news conference to confirm an increasingly conservative course. Asked about religious values since he moved closer to the Russian Orthodox Church in the past two years, he acknowledged he was taking a conservative approach but added that this was taking Russia forward.
He also jordan 11 gamma blue took a swipe at Pussy Riot over the group's protest in the main Russia Orthodox cathedral in Moscow in colorful ski masks and short dresses almost two years ago, calling their protest disgraceful. One of three women jailed over the incident has already been released.
Putin also defended Russia's response to the Greenpeace protest, saying it should serve as a lesson and Moscow would toughen steps to guard against interference in its development of the region. Russian stocks rose by 1. 3 percent after Putin's comment, even though his lawyers and mother said he had not asked for a pardon. low 11s One of the lawyers said, however, that Putin did not need a pardon request to release him from prison. BEIJING Chinese police shot and killed 14 people during a riot near the old Silk Road city of Kashgar in which two policemen were also killed, the local government said on Monday, the latest unrest in a region that has a substantial Muslim population. Many Chicago students must walk to school. I have no information that that particular area was higher risk than anywhere else given the general deterioration of immunization rates during the conflict.
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Inscrit le : 11 Juin 2014
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Localisation : United States
MessagePosté le : 03 Juil 2014 07:01
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ssia took fourth and the US team of Mazdzer, Erin Hamlin and Matt Mortensen and Preston Griffall finished fifth. The call comes amid lingering tensions on the Korean Peninsula following Pyongyang's fiery rhetoric and threats of nuclear wars last spring. The BNP denounces Hasina's scrapping of the practice oreo 5s for sale of having a caretaker government oversee elections. It said it expected consultations on the issue among NATO and European Union partners. MISSILE SHIELD DISPUTEAsked about the reports on Monday, Defence Ministry spokesman Igor Konashenkov told Russian news agencies Iskanders had been deployed in western Russia but did not specify where. Konashenkov said the deployments did not violate international treaties.
He could not immediately be reached for comment by Reuters. Nuclear-armed Russia says it fears the Western anti-missile shield in Europe is meant to undermine its security, upsetting the post-Cold War strategic balance. Efforts to turn years of confrontation over the issue into cooperation have failed. Authorities also urged people to check on elderly and disabled relatives and neighbors.
Whether it leaves a small post-2014 training force, or goes for the zero option of pulling out all its forces, NATO would have to start planning then, Breedlove said. The 18-year-old Shiffrin led after the opening run and clocked a two-leg combined time of 2 minutes, 0. 41 seconds down the Stelvio course. Ogwumike's scintillating start powered the Cardinal 13-1, 2-0 Pac-12 to a 29-4 lead that put the game away in a hurry. The former US ANKARA Turkey's Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan on Wednesday denounced a corruption crackdown on his allies months ahead of elections as a dirty operation to smear his administration and undermine the country's progress. Open champion and Ryder Cup hero from Wales jordan 5 oreo restock in 2010 won three times last year, including the World Match Play Championship in Bulgaria. KIEV Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovich, whose popularity has been hurt by huge street protests over his policy U-turn towards Russia, said on Thursday he would not run for re-election in 2015 if his ratings were low.
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Inscrit le : 11 Juin 2014
Messages : 51
Localisation : United States
MessagePosté le : 03 Juil 2014 07:03
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military and local officials said. NASHVILLE, Tenn. NEW YORK The US attorney cheap jordan 4 toro bravo in Manhattan defended on Wednesday the treatment of an Indian diplomat who was strip-searched after her arrest last week on charges of underpaying her nanny, a case that has strained US -Indian relations. I was having some pain in my wrist and the doctor recommended I not play this week, the 12th-ranked Stephens said. Oklahoma 10-5, 1-1 was led by Morgan Hook with 26 points on 8-of-16 shooting. Some Iranian officials, however, argued that the United States had violated the spirit of the deal, which was struck between Iran and six major powers and which is oreo 5s for sale designed to provide time to try to negotiate a comprehensive agreement. Benchmark oil for February delivery rose 11 cents a barrel to $94. 07 in electronic trading on the New York Mercantile Exchange. Andrew Wiggins and Mason scored 14 points apiece for the Jayhawks, who had won 112 of their last 114 games at their venerable on-campus home. Joel Embiid finished with 12 points and 12
rebounds. Reporting by Andrew Green; Writing by George Obulutsa; Editing by Andrew HeavensAll are expected to play. The Federal Reserve on Wednesday said it viewed the risks to the outlook for the economy and the labor market as having become more nearly balanced.
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What caused the U-turn by the leadership of a country of 46 million people that occupies a strategic position between the EU and Russia? Public and private arm-twisting by Putin, including threats to Ukraine's economy and Yanukovich's political future, played a significant part. At a two-day conference that ended on Tuesday, the party reappointed former premier Abhisit Vejjajiva as it is leader. He did not know what he was doing.
They are seen as acting not in their own interests but acting to protect the public at large, the very people sitting on their jury, Rosenthal said. I paid my taxes.
While unlikely to be stained by fraud, the vote is taking place at a time when many of the freedoms won in the uprising that toppled Mubarak have vanished in the months since Morsi was removed after just one year in office. Hailing from Ukraine's industrial east, Yanukovich also seemed the perfect man to cheap bred 11s persuade Ukraine's pro-Russian eastern regions to agree to closer ties with Europe. Yanukovich has been seeking the best possible deal for his country of 46 million but has been criticized in the West after police used force against the protests in the heart of Kiev. Some US lawmakers are pushing for further sanctions against Iran, a move which hardliners in Iran see as proof the United States cannot be trusted. Refused to meet the visiting USA delegation in solidarity with our nation, protesting I will-treatment meted out to our lady diplomat in USA, Modi said in a tweet. In addition, Obama's Affordable Care cheap low 11s Act encourages doctors and hospitals to form Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs), which are paid mo
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