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Inscrit le : 13 Oct 2005
Messages : 5
MessagePosté le : 18 Oct 2005 13:45
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J'aurais une petite information complémentaire à apporté pour les apprentis moddeurs, car elle me semble importante et négligé :D

Dans la partie 3, il est important de définir le switch, pour faira apparaître le code dans les tpl :

Original :
Citation :
[... Code ajouté par le MOD ...]

A mettre :
Citation :
[... Code ajouté par le MOD ...]

Et dans votre template, rajouter ceci :

Citation :
code html
<!-- END NOM_DU_MOD -->

Sinon, vous conserverez les modifications dans un template, de façon inutile.
ATTENTION ! Vous devez conservez les commentaires dans le template (elles sont optionnels dans le code php, car éliminé) !
Vous devez également reprendre le même mot mis dans le code php et dans le commentaire tpl.

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Darathor Sexe : Masculin
Site Admin

Inscrit le : 02 Nov 2003
Messages : 1101
Localisation : Strasbourg
MessagePosté le : 18 Oct 2005 13:47
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En effet, dans certains cas, y a de l'affichage qui est aussi conditionnel, faudra que j'ajoute ça ^^
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Inscrit le : 13 Oct 2005
Messages : 5
MessagePosté le : 18 Oct 2005 13:51
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C'est généralement pour les plus gros mods, où ceux qui modifie des fonctions ;)

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Gsgsd Sexe : Masculin

Inscrit le : 24 Aoû 2006
Messages : 2
MessagePosté le : 24 Aoû 2006 11:53
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Bonjour, j'ai un petit probleme avec ce tuto je l'ai appliqué à advanced acp et j'ai ces messages d'erreurs

Code :
Parse error: parse error, expecting `')'' in c:\program files\easyphp1-8\www\forum\admin\index.php on line 80
Parse error: parse error, expecting `')'' in c:\program files\easyphp1-8\www\forum\admin\index.php on line 660

Je sais que le probleme vient de cette ligne qui est en double

Code :

Donc si quelqu'un peut la corriger merci

Voici le mod advanced acp :

Code :
## MOD Title: Advanced ACP
## MOD Author: CBACK < > (Christian Knerr)
## MOD Description: Change la présentation du panneau admin, par une autre plus moderne et ajoute certaines fonctions
## MOD Version: 1.0.0
## Installation Level: facile
## Installation Time: 5 Minutes
## Files To Edit: admin/index.php
##                language/lang_english/lang_admin.php
##                language/lang_french/lang_admin.php
##                templates/subSilver/subSilver.cfg
## Included Files: admin_advanced.php
##                 admin_advanced.tpl
##                 admin_adv_pinfo.tpl
##                 admin_adv_stat.tpl
##                 admin_adv_whois.tpl
##                 aacp_k1.gif
##                 aacp_k2.gif
##                 aacp_k3.gif
##                 aacp_k4.gif
## License: GNU General Public License v2
## For security purposes, please check:
## for the latest version of this MOD. Although MODs are checked
## before being allowed in the MODs Database there is no guarantee
## that there are no security problems within the MOD. No support
## will be given for MODs not found within the MODs Database which
## can be found at
## Author Notes: n/a
## Informations : Ce mod a été testé et remit en page par l'equipe mod de
##                Vous en trouverez la derniere version a cette adresse :
##                Le support se trouve a cette adresse :
## MOD History:
##   2005-01-02 - Version 1.0.0
##   - First version of this MOD
## Before Adding This MOD To Your Forum, You Should Back Up All Files Related To This MOD

#-----[ COPY ]------------------------------------------

copy root/admin/admin_advanced.php to admin/admin_advanced.php
copy root/templates/subSilver/admin/admin_advanced.tpl to templates/subSilver/admin/admin_advanced.tpl
copy root/templates/subSilver/admin/admin_adv_pinfo.tpl to templates/subSilver/admin/admin_adv_pinfo.tpl
copy root/templates/subSilver/admin/admin_adv_stat.tpl to templates/subSilver/admin/admin_adv_stat.tpl
copy root/templates/subSilver/admin/admin_adv_whois.tpl to templates/subSilver/admin/admin_adv_whois.tpl
copy root/templates/subSilver/images/aacp_k1.gif to templates/subSilver/images/aacp_k1.gif
copy root/templates/subSilver/images/aacp_k2.gif to templates/subSilver/images/aacp_k2.gif
copy root/templates/subSilver/images/aacp_k3.gif to templates/subSilver/images/aacp_k3.gif
copy root/templates/subSilver/images/aacp_k4.gif to templates/subSilver/images/aacp_k4.gif

#-----[ OPEN ]------------------------------------------


#-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------
// That's all Folks!
#-----[ BEFORE, ADD ]------------------------------------------
// Navigationselemente
$lang['aacp_mod1'] = 'Index de l\'AACP';
$lang['aacp_class'] = 'Index classique';
$lang['aacp_who'] = 'Qui est en ligne?';
$lang['aacp_stat'] = 'Statistiques du forum';
$lang['aacp_phpinfo'] = 'PHP Info';

// Überschriften
$lang['aacp_header1'] = 'Panneau d\'administration avancé de CBACK';
$lang['aacp_header2'] = 'Index Classique';
$lang['aacp_header3'] = 'Qui est en ligne?';
$lang['aacp_header4'] = 'Statistiques du forum';
$lang['aacp_header5'] = 'PHP Info';

// Kategoriebeschreibungen
$lang['aacp_body1'] = 'Bienvenue dans le nouveau panneau d\'administration avancé ! D\'ici vous pouvez voir le nouvel index d\'administration qui permet une meilleure gestion de très importantes fonctions du forum';
$lang['aacp_body2'] = 'Voici le panneau d\'administration classique';
$lang['aacp_body3'] = 'De cette page, vous pouvez voir qui est en ligne maintenant. Vouv pouvez tracer les IPs et vous pouvez voir et modifier le profil d\'un membre, montré dans cette liste.';
$lang['aacp_body4'] = 'D\'ici vous pouvez voir les statistiques de votre forum. Combien de mémoire utilisée, combien de membres enregistrés, etc.';
$lang['aacp_body5'] = 'D\'ici vous pouvez voir des informations sur la configuration de votre serveur web. C\'est important si, par exemple vous demander de l\'aide sur un forum de support phpBB.';

// Navigationskategorien
$lang['aacp_kat1'] = 'Gestion des utilisateurs';
$lang['aacp_kat2'] = 'Outils du forum';
$lang['aacp_kat3'] = 'Agencement et fonction de postage';
$lang['aacp_kat4'] = 'Panneau d\'administration avancé';

// AACP Link-Beschreibungen
$lang['aacp_kat1_n1'] = 'Bannir';
$lang['aacp_kat1_n2'] = 'Permissions';
$lang['aacp_kat1_n3'] = 'Edition des Profils';
$lang['aacp_kat1_n4'] = 'Gestion des Groupes';
$lang['aacp_kat1_n5'] = 'Permissions des Groupes';

$lang['aacp_kat2_n1'] = 'Configuration générale';
$lang['aacp_kat2_n2'] = 'Gestion des Forums';
$lang['aacp_kat2_n3'] = 'Configurer les permissions des forums';
$lang['aacp_kat2_n4'] = 'Montrer l\'index du forum';

$lang['aacp_kat3_n1'] = 'Gestions des rangs';
$lang['aacp_kat3_n2'] = 'Gestions des Smilies';
$lang['aacp_kat3_n3'] = 'Installer des Thèmes';
$lang['aacp_kat3_n4'] = 'Gestion des Thèmes';

$lang['aacp_kat4_n1'] = 'Montrer l\'index d\'administration classique';
$lang['aacp_kat4_n2'] = 'Qui est en ligne ?';
$lang['aacp_kat4_n3'] = 'Statistiques du forum';
$lang['aacp_kat4_n4'] = 'PHP Info';
#-----[ OPEN ]------------------------------------------


#-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------
// That's all Folks!
#-----[ BEFORE, ADD ]------------------------------------------
// Begin: ~lien~ Advanced ACP
// Navigationselemente
$lang['aacp_mod1'] = 'AACP Index';
$lang['aacp_class'] = 'Classic ACP';
$lang['aacp_who'] = 'Who is online?';
$lang['aacp_stat'] = 'Board-Statistics';
$lang['aacp_phpinfo'] = 'PHP Info';

// Überschriften
$lang['aacp_header1'] = 'CBACK Advanced Admin Panel';
$lang['aacp_header2'] = 'Classical ACP';
$lang['aacp_header3'] = 'Who is online?';
$lang['aacp_header4'] = 'Board Statistics';
$lang['aacp_header5'] = 'PHP Info';

// Kategoriebeschreibungen
$lang['aacp_body1'] = 'Welcome into the new Advanced ACP! Here you can see the new Admin-Index wich provides a better management of very important Forum-Functions..';
$lang['aacp_body2'] = 'This is the classical ACP';
$lang['aacp_body3'] = 'In this page you can see who is online now. You can trace the IPs and you can view and configure the profile of a registered User, showed in this list.';
$lang['aacp_body4'] = 'Here you can see the statistic of your forum. How many memory is used, how many registered users, etc.';
$lang['aacp_body5'] = 'Here you can see infos about your WebServer Configuration. This is important for example if you ask for Support in a phpBB Support Forum.';

// Navigationskategorien
$lang['aacp_kat1'] = 'User-Management';
$lang['aacp_kat2'] = 'Board Utilities';
$lang['aacp_kat3'] = 'Layout and Posting';
$lang['aacp_kat4'] = 'Advanced ACP';

// AACP Link-Beschreibungen
$lang['aacp_kat1_n1'] = 'Ban';
$lang['aacp_kat1_n2'] = 'Permissions';
$lang['aacp_kat1_n3'] = 'Edit Profiles';
$lang['aacp_kat1_n4'] = 'Manage UserGroups';
$lang['aacp_kat1_n5'] = 'UserGroup Permissions';

$lang['aacp_kat2_n1'] = 'General Configuration';
$lang['aacp_kat2_n2'] = 'Manage Forums';
$lang['aacp_kat2_n3'] = 'Configure Forum Permissions';
$lang['aacp_kat2_n4'] = 'Show Board Index';

$lang['aacp_kat3_n1'] = 'Manage Ranks';
$lang['aacp_kat3_n2'] = 'Manage Smilies';
$lang['aacp_kat3_n3'] = 'Install Styles';
$lang['aacp_kat3_n4'] = 'Manage Styles';

$lang['aacp_kat4_n1'] = 'show classical ACP';
$lang['aacp_kat4_n2'] = 'Who is online?';
$lang['aacp_kat4_n3'] = 'Board-Statistics';
$lang['aacp_kat4_n4'] = 'PHP Info';
// End: Advanced ACP
#-----[ OPEN ]------------------------------------------


#-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------
"U_ADMIN_INDEX" => append_sid("index.$phpEx?pane=right"),
#-----[ REPLACE WITH ]------------------------------------------
"U_ADMIN_INDEX" => append_sid("admin_advanced.$phpEx?panel=aacp"),
#-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------
"S_FRAME_MAIN" => append_sid("index.$phpEx?pane=right"))
#-----[ REPLACE WITH ]------------------------------------------
"S_FRAME_MAIN" => append_sid("admin_advanced.$phpEx?panel=aacp"))
#-----[ OPEN ]------------------------------------------


#-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------
$images['icon_quote'] = "$current_template_images/{LANG}/icon_quote.gif";
#-----[ BEFORE, ADD ]------------------------------------------
$images['aacp_k1'] = "$current_template_images/aacp_k1.gif";
$images['aacp_k2'] = "$current_template_images/aacp_k2.gif";
$images['aacp_k3'] = "$current_template_images/aacp_k3.gif";
$images['aacp_k4'] = "$current_template_images/aacp_k4.gif";
#-----[ SAVE/CLOSE ALL FILES ]------------------------------------------
# EoM

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Hors ligne | Profil | MP
Darathor Sexe : Masculin
Site Admin

Inscrit le : 02 Nov 2003
Messages : 1101
Localisation : Strasbourg
MessagePosté le : 24 Aoû 2006 20:33
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Tu pourrais m'indiquer comment tu l'as modifié exactement ?

Là à première vue il n'y a que la modif du admin/index.php qui necessite d'être modifiée comme dans le tuto, en ce qui concerne les langues et les images, ce ne sont que des définitions, donc si le mod est désactivé on ne s'en sert pas tout simplement ;)

Par contre, il a un fichier qui est inclus et là ça se corse parce que l'inclusion dans le pannea d'admin est en partie automatique... Suivant le cas il faudrait ajouter un
Code :
    [... Code ajouté par le MOD ...]

Autour de l'intégralité du contenu du fichier admin_advanced.php... Enfin entre les <?php et ?>, ce qui donne :
Code :
[code du fichier]

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Gsgsd Sexe : Masculin

Inscrit le : 24 Aoû 2006
Messages : 2
MessagePosté le : 27 Aoû 2006 10:57
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En faites j'ai remarqué qu'il n'y avait meme pas besoin de ce tuto parce que dans le mod deja on peut choisir si on l'active ou pas !!!!

Mais merci de m'avoir aidé
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Darathor Sexe : Masculin
Site Admin

Inscrit le : 02 Nov 2003
Messages : 1101
Localisation : Strasbourg
MessagePosté le : 27 Aoû 2006 17:34
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Ah ben forcément, si c'est intégré de base c'est encore plus simple :p
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Inscrit le : 11 Juin 2014
Messages : 51
Localisation : United States
MessagePosté le : 11 Juin 2014 04:52
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We dont want to give anything away, but punch the play button above and always remember, Never Trust A Big Butt & A Smile! Yo Albert, we dug this film, keep em coming. Yeah weve had a look at em individually, but the drop date is upon us so we need to show you these brothers together. Undefeated have had a quiet year for shoe colabs by their standards, but theyre making up for it now as their olives come into season again and get gobbled up by a couple of Converse flips. The Auckland Racer has had a bit of resurgence lately, and we definitely welcome that, and Undefeated opt to thug out the silhouette like weve never seen it before. cheap fear 4s Black leather overlays make this thang look like a bad boy bodyguard, with dark olive tough-as-nails Cordura fabric everywhere else on the upper and camo lining making this sneak piece not one for sipping martinis in. The Pro Field Hi repeats the formula, with a double crepe sole thrown in to get things looking business legit. Both shoes hit Undefeated and select retailers today,
December 6. UPDATE: Weve got more pics of this AJ3/AJ5 hybrid cheap bred 11s beast, courtesy of Solefood NY who were selling this piece a little early. The release date seems to be set for the 31st of this month, meaning this Jordan is the final toast to the 23rd anniversary of the AJ5.
Where there is light, dark will almost always follow, and today, with the cheesiest of Jumpman-shaped grins on our faces, we get to say, We told you so. The first glimpse of the second Air Jordan 5 3Lab5' is in, and even under heavy fire from the wretches of the infamous watermark, there truly is beauty in the beast. Flipped up and murdered out, black-on-black elephant print demonically stretches its reach across the entirety of the upper. Summoning the spirits of Js past, a fiercely fiery red midsole ignites atop the soft icy blue outsole, holding it down in the deep south. As of yet, no rock solid information surrounding the release has arisen, and much like the first of these two elemental brethren, we dont expect it until much closer to the release. In the meantime, enjoy a carousel of early imagery courtesy of Sneakers Addict, and stick with SNKR FRKR as we sniff out the full story behind these latest 3Lab5 concoctions.
We saw how Germans celebrate SF sneaker releases at 43einhalb, now its Malaysias turn to show us how its done. Crossover Concept Store in Johor had plenty of Blaze of Glory Black Beasts and Great Whites prepped, as well as the LTWT versions of each, and they were instantly gobbled up by the punters that had queued and were ready to rock and cop. Check pics of the happy people above. Theres a few Tassie Devils in the mix there too! Thanks for the loyalty guys! Continuing their steady rise to notoriety amongst the streetwear scene, Parisian purveyors of casual sophistication, BWGH (Brooklyn We Go Hard) sets to drop their smart new colab alongside footwear partners Puma. Utilising the future forward designs of the Puma R698 as the basis, BWGH adds their flare to the silhouette, dousing the upper in a layering of super soft suede, an array of hues building movement across the sneak and additional chenille branding for that extra cherry on top vibe. Much like BWGHs own ethos, cheap low 11s this sneak offers a well balanced pale
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This allows a revival of economic growth. Both demonstrations were peaceful and there were no reported arrests.
We would note that a number of tribal leaders in Iraq have declared an open revolt against ISIL. 0500 GMT from Nairobi for Juba did not leave because the South Sudanese airport was not open. And doctors can use their judgment on when a procedure makes sense. Ahmad al-Jarba was re-elected as SNC leader for a second six-month term, defeating former Syrian prime minister Riyad Hijab, a senior coalition member told Reuters. , said he is unsure Democrats can cobble together 60 votes needed to overcome a procedural hurdle. FOXBOROUGH, Mass. DUBAI, United Arab Emirates The indebted builder of Dubai's palm-shaped islands says it plans to make early debt repayments cheap jordan 5 bel air of 4 million dirhams, or $1. MOSCOW Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Thursday two jailed members of the punk band Pussy Riot would be freed under an amnesty but described their protest against him in a church as disgraceful.
Today we get a look at this Air Jordan 13 exclusive featuring a Phoenix scheme that utilizes more purple than previously seen, while orange is delegated to the Q-Rich stitching on the tongue. RUSSIAN RED LINEA declaration cheap jordan 11 low concord last week by the 11 leading Western and Middle East countries opposed to Assad blamed the Syrian leader's military crackdown for the rise of Islamist militants but said the opposition must uphold democratic values. Not a single document which contradicts European integration will pass the procedure of voting in parliament, he said.
The current president is increasingly criticized for not doing enough to reduce poverty and chronic unemployment and end gaping income disparities that make South Africa one of the most unequal societies in the world. So what does that mean? Sneakerheads get ready to party because one of the fashion worlds biggest names, Givenchys creative director, Riccardo Tisci, and Nike are to see a meeting of the creative minds with an official announcement that could come in just a few hours. He said the reunions, if realized, can lead to the resumption of other stalled inter-Korean cooperation projects. As far as re-establishing the foundation, setting the tone, as far as leadership?
The 2010 class has played a big part in that, Joyner said. According to the [Cincinnati] Bengals, corporate sponsors Kroger and Proctor & Gamble bought thousands of tickets Friday to keep Sunday's first-round AFC playoff game against the Chargers from being blacked out in the Indianapolis market. Egyptian government officials have hailed the revised constitution as a clear sign of democratic progress. Reporting by Arshad Mohammed; Editing by Chizu NomiyamaDrivers can record up to 13 hours of driving time. It was 5 degrees at kickoff, and the winds made it feel like minus-10. It would not be the first time the Algerian constitution was rejigged before an election to let Bouteflika run again. Look for the sneaker to release as part of Nikes larger 2014 NFL Nike Silver Speed Collection that will be available on NikeStore in the weeks to come. Additional reporting by Drazen Jorgic in Nairobi; Writing by Edmund Blair, Editing by Angus MacSwanIt wasn't surreal, Pagano said jordan 4 green glow Sunday, less than 24 hours after his team
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Inscrit le : 11 Juin 2014
Messages : 51
Localisation : United States
MessagePosté le : 11 Juin 2014 04:54
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Walker at ~lien~ It is extremely important that the Supreme Military Council be able to play its role of coordinating. The dominance of ISIL and other hardline rebel groups has eclipsed more moderate, Western-backed rebels, fracturing the military campaign against Assad and prompting Western alarm that al Qaeda is building a stronghold in northern Syria. For a couple of weeks. On his 10th visit to the region in a year, Kerry is trying to establish what US officials call a framework of general guidelines for an accord, with details to be filled in later. I am confident that the talks we have had in the last two days have already fleshed out and even resolved certain kinds of issues and presented new opportunities for others, he said after meeting Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas.
Palestinian jordan 4 toro bravo protesters in Ramallah on Friday condemned the US Secretary of State's efforts, chanting Kerry, you coward, there's no place for you in cheap jordan 11 aqua Palestine! One woman angrily wagged her finger at Kerry's motorcade as it swept through the city on Saturday afternoon. Chief Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erekat urged Israel to stop building Jewish settlements on occupied land the Palestinians want for a state and to halt house demolitions, which rights groups view as a form of collective punishment. But Erekat, standing beside Kerry in Ramallah, also made a case for peace directly to the Palestinians and he suggested that Kerry could return to the region later this month. This conspiracy does not enjoy popular support and is doomed to failure. The spying also led Rousseff to become a global advocate for curbs on Internet surveillance. Evidence that the NSA monitored Rousseff's email and cellphone, along with hacking the network of state-run oil company Petrobras, angered Brazilians and led the Senate to investiga
te the extent of US spying. About 1,300 flights had been canceled Sunday at O'Hare and Midway international airports in Chicago, aviation officials said, and there also were cancellations at Logan International Airport in Boston, Tennessee's Memphis and Nashville international airports, and Lambert international airport in St. cheap concord 11s Louis. Bersani, a former Communist, had been the leading contender going into Italy's February election, riding a wave of popular discontent with conservative Silvio Berlusconi's antics and scandals. Russia's Gazprom has slashed the price Ukraine will pay for supplies to $268. 5 per 1,000 cubic meters from about $400. Siluanov said the aid would enable Ukraine to rebuild its finances and should strengthen ties between the neighbors. Ukraine's assets certainly do not have such high ratings as other papers in which we now invest our reserves, Siluanov said in an interview.
However, we understand the need to support our neighbor, as we have very tight trade and economic connections.
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We're not contemplating putting boots on the ground. It was the second consecutive double-double for williams, who also extended her streak of consecutive games with a blocked shot to 84. Contrasting the lightweight white outsole is Textile uppers are printed in unique multicolored camouflage-like pattern. But the United Nations said tensions was stI will spreading across South Sudan's remote states as cheap jordan 11 bred the violence, which first erupted in the capital Juba late on Sunday, moved north to Bor, the site of an ethnic massacre in 1991. Fighting has so far appeared to stay away from the oil fields. Entitled Nike Air Max 1 C2.0, the silhouette of course remains the same, yet the colors and materials are updated and now include the latest Nike innovation has to offer. leaders were in Brussels to sign contracts which committed the European Commission to provide 147 million euros ($202 million) in aid to people affected by the toro bravo 4s Syrian crisis. All sneakerheads can remember that first silhouette they fell in love with, tha
t first sweet pair that they unwrapped under the Christmas tree or slaved away at the local market to save for�� that one pair that takes them home. Egyptians who support the military takeover refer to it as a revolution, arguing that it represented the popular will because it followed mass protests against Mursi's rule.
We have removed the Brotherhood and we will live with stability and security with our police and our army.
The Islamic Front has overshadowed the more moderate Free Syrian Army, which is formally led by the Supreme Military Council SMC and backed by Western and Arab powers. Suntory already has a portfolio of Japanese whiskies and one Scotch that are strong in it is home market, but the acquisition of Beam gives it bourbon, Scotch, Irish and Canadian whiskies and access to a stronger distribution network not just in the US but in key emerging markets such as India, Russia and Brazil. No, I'm not an addict. Advocates remain hopeful. Government's gathering of Americans' phone records is likely unlawful, a judge ruled on Monday, raising serious doubts about the value of the National Security Agency's so- called metadata counter terrorism program.�� Fox Sports has a few weather-related tricks up it is sleeve for next month's Super Bowl telecast, and the network plans to test them out before the Feb. Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe says he wants to explain to jordan 4 green glow for sale leaders in China and South Korea about his visit is to the
Yasukuni Shrine in Tokyo, which honors the country's war dead. If Republicans win control of the Senate in November, they would be able to reject Obama appointments outright and would have more sway over when to declare recesses.
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Inscrit le : 11 Juin 2014
Messages : 51
Localisation : United States
MessagePosté le : 11 Juin 2014 04:55
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With delighted visitors passing in front of her cage at the rate of 40 per minute, Yuan Zai showed off her climbing skills before retreating to mother Yuan Yuan's embrace, and then heading off for a nap. NEW YORK The US attorney in Manhattan defended on Wednesday the treatment of an Indian diplomat who cheap bel air 5s was strip-searched after her arrest last week on charges of underpaying her nanny, a case that has strained US -Indian relations.
With the new frigid air moving in, a National Football League wild card playoff game between the Green Bay Packers and the San Francisco 49ers on Sunday at Green Bay's Lambeau Field was expected to rank among the coldest matches on record, local officials said. Some 40,000 tickets to the game have been sold, according to the Packers team. Many Republicans oppose an extension, arguing it would be a disincentive to find work. Democrats say relief is a moral imperative and would boost spending cuts elsewhere to help cover the cost. GOVERNMENT FUNDINGCongress faces a January 15 deadline to pass a massive appropriations bill to keep federal agencies operating. It is expected to do so largely because failure would set the stage for something neither party wants: a government shutdown. The French foreign ministry said talks were going on jordan 4 fear for sale and that Paris hoped the countries concerned would make decisions soon. But Putin said the amnesty was not drafted with the Greenpeace activists or Pussy Riot in mind. The United St
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He compared such a division to the 1490s Tordesillas Treaty, which drew a line down the globe and allotted Spain and Portugal the lands on either side.
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We understand what we have to do. School records included in the investigative file show one brother was absent the day Kendrick vanished.
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Inscrit le : 11 Juin 2014
Messages : 51
Localisation : United States
MessagePosté le : 11 Juin 2014 04:56
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He must ensure that fighting does not spread. Conflict between southerners could hurt vital aid flows and might be exploited by Sudan's government, analysts said. It is not an automatic thing by any means, she said. Two detainees said they witnessed a child of about 14 receive 90 lashes at a Raqqa prison. Another child of about the same age, who ISIL accused of stealing a motorcycle, was repeatedly flogged over several days. It has also dredged up anger over the treatment of Indians abroad, in contrast to the privileges that foreigners are seen to enjoy in India. In fact, with the exceptions of the roof and doors profiles, Infiniti altered every parts of the Q50 to meet intended goal. Along with more bred 11s for sale detailed information, the Infiniti Q50 Eau Rouge Concept will make its official debut on January 13. Reshanda Gray scored 33 points and grabbed 13 rebounds as California jordan 4 toro bravo for sale overcame a late rally from Oregon. Comedian Kevin Nealon sent a series of tweets about the crash through @kevinnealon.
While the United States has said it does not intend to open new military or naval bases in the region, Kerry will discuss ways that the US can help respond quicker during disasters in the region such as typhoon Haiyan.
HEIGHTENED TENSION WITH CHINAThe heightened tension with China has raised concerns that a minor incident in the disputed sea could quickly escalate. US and Chinese warships narrowly avoided collision in the South China Sea last week, the US Pacific Fleet said in a statement on Friday. The consortium responsible for most of the expansion issued an ultimatum giving the Panama Canal Authority 21 days to pay for a cost overrun. But the U. N. That's all I'm doing. I think it was a private jet. Later he tweeted, Airport is closed now. The Yancheng, a missile frigate, will accompany a Norwegian-Danish convoy which is in international waters off Syria, waiting for the go-ahead from international watchdogs overseeing the removal of the chemical arsenal.
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The young Kim was the center of attention at the gathering with state television showed him sitting center stage beneath a big red mural of a flag emblazoned with a picture of his smiling father. Dec 8: Some 800,000 people rally in Kiev. But data from forms submitted by licensed hunters show a high number of bagged animals for a Delaware-sized country of just 1.4 million people.
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Inscrit le : 11 Juin 2014
Messages : 51
Localisation : United States
MessagePosté le : 11 Juin 2014 04:57
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We will do everything we can so when we get to March we can immediately start governing with all the energy, dynamism and effort that is needed to fulfill the mandate handed us by the people, Bachelet said at a news conference on Monday. Stephen J. It is not that cold, Niners quarterback Colin Kaepernick said. JUBA South Sudan's army said it had lost control of the flashpoint town of Bor on Wednesday, after clashes were reported there with fighters loyal to the country's former vice president Riek Machar.
We felt like if we put our best football together gamma blue 11 and executed and did the things we had to do then, the result would take care of itself. Two million refugees have fled abroad and another 6. 5 million are internally displaced within the country of 23 million, the United Nations says. Aspen is located in the Rocky Mountains about 100 miles southwest of Denver. Syria's currency has plummeted by 80 percent since the revolt began in March 2011, and destruction of the water network has left 10 million people - almost half the pre-war population - relying on the United Nations to chlorinate water. The EU held out the prospect of increased EU aid and help with negotiating an International Monetary Fund loan if Ukraine gave a firm commitment to sign the EU accord, but Ukraine has not replied, Fuele said on Sunday. A Kremlin aide made clear on Monday that Russia was ready to extend a credit to Ukraine to help Kiev cope with its economic problems and keep the country in Moscow's orbit. EU foreign ministers were set to
hold talks later with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and diplomats said they would try to reassure him that an EU-Ukraine deal would not harm Russia. cheap oreo 5s The hour-long blend is mixed by grooveman Spot. The result was a furious second-half rally, one made possible by unconscionable breakdowns by a defense that was spectacular during a 9-0 start. Luck torched a secondary that wilted when it faced premier quarterbacks such as Peyton Manning and Philip Rivers, and his 64-yard touchdown pass to T. Y.
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WASHINGTON The US Senate's final vote of the year may be on Friday to confirm President Barack Obama's nomination of Janet Yellen to head the Federal Reserve, a senior Democratic aide said on Wednesday.13-19. And Russia, who together are working the opposite sides to broker progress in any possible way to ease the bloody strife that has engulfed Syria for nearly three years without an end in sight. It remains to be seen, However, how many of the panel's 46 recommendations will be accepted by President Barack Obama and the US Congress. 2 million people, where more than 600,000 under 15s were living in 2012, according to WHO data.
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The lookbook is full of both color and contrast, modern and classic, and bold lines and clean cuts. It is incumbent upon our Committee to cheap gamma blue 11 explore whether industry data protection standards are appropriate, and examine whether heightened regulatory standards are needed to more effectively protect consumers, the Democrats wrote. Aircraft crashes are not uncommon in mountainous Afghanistan. New York-listed telecoms group Vimpelcom, US internet group AOL Inc.
The WHO says the largest-ever immunization response in the Middle East is under way, aiming to vaccinate more than 23 million children against polio in Syria and neighboring countries. Regulatory filings show that he sold out of Fortune Brands Home Security in early 2012 when the stock was near $22, netting him a profit of roughly $500 million. She determined he died accidentally from positional asphyxia, meaning his body was stuck in a position that prevented him from breathing. ___. But China's official news agency Xinhua, in an English language commentary, accused the US ship of deliberately provocative behavior.
The moves represent the latest soccer coup by Tim Leiweke, president and CEO of green glow 4s for sale Maple Leafs Sports and Entertainment and the man who helped bring David Beckham to America in his previous role as chief executive of the LA Galaxy.
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